samedi 21 septembre 2013

Viagra forced or Shérazade's dance

Viagra indispensable ou la danse de Shérazade par heleneclaude

A man who has "eyes bigger than stomach" (as many of them). It is an occitan expression (I do not know how translate it) highly significant. In this matter, "nature" has well done, relatively: force these things (forced marriages for example) leads to disasters, both emotionally than ecologically etc... Polygamy leads to excision (which cancels the desire of women and is made for that) and it is the same for marriage between an old man with one (or several) young woman... or, here, an man who has a simple "affair" with another, (of course younger) if he wants keep the first one (because he is sentimental!) Immanent justice, some men died with viagra (heart break-down). All mens are not DSK. We are not equal in these matters, mainly in these matters.

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